Book Sellers
To the brave souls who keep the flame of independent bookstores burning, my deepest gratitude. Seeing my first cozy mystery nestled on your shelves, spines kissed by sunlight and whispers of whodonit, is a joy. You are the literary alchemists who transform cold ink and paper into vibrant worlds, and I owe you a debt of Earl Gray Tea. Thank you for championing authors like me, for welcoming readers into your bibliophilic havens, and for reminding us that magic lives just between the pages, waiting to be discovered. You are the booksellers who keep the whispers of imagination alive, and I'll forever be your grateful author.
In Celebration of National Recovery Month!
We are thrilled to announce that Passion in Park Slope, the first book in the Brooklyn Murder Mysteries series, is featured in The Cozy Thrill Gift Box on Etsy this September, in honor of National Recovery Month. This collaboration is especially meaningful to us, as recovery from addiction is a theme close to our hearts—mirrored in our protagonist, Cara Gerard, who is on her own recovery journey. A portion of the proceeds from this special edition box will be donated to Big Vision NYC, a nonprofit dedicated to helping young adults lead fulfilling, substance-free lives.